Lo lúdico como estrategia de aprendizaje de la Lengua y la Literatura


  • Elba Guntern
  • Lucila Colombo
  • Fátima Infantino
  • Ivana Fernández


Primary Education - didactics - pragmatics - communicative function - learning - motivation - strategy - game, primary education, didactics, pragmatics, communicative function, larning, motivation, strategy, game


Learning the language at school involves increasing communication skills in general, in order to use them in each particular context.

The role of the Language and Literature teacher is to enhance linguistic knowledge through the development of orality and writing. For this reason, it is necessary to find new motivating strategies to work on the curricular contents of the First and Second Cycles of Primary Education.

The approach to the proposal of this article is based on Didactics. The theoretical framework of our work focuses on the Language Sciences, within Pragmatics, from the communicative function of language.

As a teaching strategy, that allows better accessibility to cer- tain compulsory curricular contents, we think about the possibi- lity of playfulness as a form of transmission, since the game is a valuable vehicle for socio-cultural exchanges.

To carry out this idea, we formed a work and research team that from the beginning focused on cooperative work, in order to improve with modest contributions, the educational quality from the daily life of the classroom.

Thus, we have developed playful proposals to teach some contents of the curriculum. They are worked out with their res- pective reference to the subject matter; with their corresponding instructions; with the resources needed to carry them out; with subsequent reflections and with the recovery of the topics addressed, as a way of valuation the work in the classroom setting.



How to Cite

Guntern, E. ., Colombo, L., Infantino, F. ., & Fernández, I. (2021). Lo lúdico como estrategia de aprendizaje de la Lengua y la Literatura. Krinein - Revista De Educación, (19), 143-154. Retrieved from http://servicios.ucsf.edu.ar:8091/ojs/index.php/krinein/article/view/37


